Jungles and deserts are without a doubt the most bad ass places hiding secrets and treasure.
Shifting sands temporarily revealing long lost tombs. Pyramids. Things akin to Petra in Jordan. Ziggurats. Conan. Scorching rays during the day, frigid winds at night. City States built upon oases. Caravans. Despotic sorcerer kings waging vain wars. Curses. Snake men. Colosseums and gladiators. Diablo II Act: II
Dinosaurs. Stepped pyramids. Conan. Lizard men. More snake men. Tribal pockets. Theocratic City States. Witch Doctors. Incessant noise. Bottom of the food chain. Curses. Alien and inhospitable. Teotihuacan. Angkor Wat. Diablo II Act: III.
Things floating around in the back of my mind for later:
-Angkor Wat and Diablo II Act: III inspired megadungeon complex.