I realize that I neglected to link to the Gygax 75 challenge document by the illustrious Ray Otus, one may find it here: https://rayotus.itch.io/gygax75
I felt that the 1 hex = 1 mile scale made a lot of sense as far as being playable quickly at the table, but I also felt it would be nonsensical (I know, fantasy magic land don't matter) to display the extremes of environs that exist on this world in such a compressed area. To that end I made two maps, the 1 hex = 6 miles map shows but one part of a larger transitory zone between the quarreling deserts and jungles. The bolded hex with the circled star corresponds to the dotted large hex on the 1 hex = 1 mile scale map.
For the 1 hex = 6 miles map I am using symbols found in the back of the Cook Expert book, the chart can be seen online easily enough. These are simple representations for a general idea of the landscape.
Most of the desert shown on the 1/6 map (and all of the desert shown on the 1/1 map) I think of as more rocky scrublands type with some low dunes, the stereotypical great sand sea style desert lies off map to the west. The eastern jungles are crawling over the mountains here, a great expanse of near impenetrable jungle lies further eastward. The weird looking rocky finger area to the top left of the map is supposed to represent sort of broken/barren lands rife with caves/ruins/whatever.
I have not settled on names yet -- hell I don't even know what the world is called yet! Sue me! The big city state and the two dot villages on the river will be related, all the big dark squares are ruins of some sort, and lots of open space to the north that I think will be a "nomad territory" area to some extent or other. As with all of this stuff I am not married to this map, I'm sure I will add some bits and bobs/expand/whatever/you get the idea.
1 Hex = 6 Miles
1 Hex = 1 Mile