(Excerpt from Tolras Supplement)
The three most prominent cultures with notable populations are the Surmedians, Mir’Athi, and the Harans.
Surmedian: The Surmedians mainly inhabit several warring city-states ruled by petty kings and sorcerers in varying degrees of peace and conflict with one another, vying for control over the fertile plain of Surmedia. Typically swarthy olive skin, with curly black hair and dark eyes. Surmedian men often braid their long beards. Common garb is flowing robes, sandals, bangles and other jewelry. Surmedian city-states tend to be fairly cosmopolitan. It is not uncommon to find people of various other cultures living within their walls, though it is extremely rare to find a non-Surmedian in any position of power.
Mir’Athi: The Mir’Athi people are largely nomadic desert dwellers with the exception of the twin cities of Mir and Ath hidden deep in the desert, which give these people their name. Most Mir’Athi go their whole lives never having set foot within the cities themselves, outsiders being granted access is unheard of. Typically light brown skin weathered and wrinkled by the sun and desert winds, and long black hair. Common garb is large turbans adorned with various trinkets, long loose pants, short vests, and loose robes.
Haran: The people of Hara are tribal in nature, though much of their population is concentrated in several temple-cities situated throughout the jungle under the rule of a king. Typically dark copper skin, deep brown eyes, and wavy hair. Common garb is knee-length tunics for men, ankle-length skirts and shawls for women. The plumage of exotic birds is a common adornment.
Tazimban: People of the great walled city of Tazimba, who’s lands neighbor Hara in the jungle. Their strong discipline in war led to an accord with the kingdom of Hara that has survived for over 200 years. Tall in stature with dark brown skin and shaved heads. Common garb is brightly colored robes, and strings of beads, bones, and gems that adorn their shaved heads.
Vikran: People from the frozen isles of Vikra beyond the ice line north of mainland Tolras, said to be the only land that escapes the cursed cycle of mainland Tolras. Typically tall and fair skinned with long blonde, red, or brown hair and large beards. Most commonly seen trading along the coasts of mainland Tolras, very few forsake their seafaring way of life to seek glory and treasure on the mainland. Vikrans often adopt the garb of whatever land they find themselves in, the heavy furs and hides worn in Vikra are inappropriate for the hot climes of the mainland.
Tarsuulian: Largely nomadic people of Tarsuul. Consummate horsemen and archers. Typically tan skin, lithe of build, with straight black hair. Long mustaches are common among men. Common garb is pointed boots, long cloaks, and headwraps with veils.